Monday, September 16, 2024

Palo Alto in August

We leave this afternoon. It’s been a nice visit. Emi has changed so much! When we arrived on Sunday she seemed a little shy and hesitant. Dan thinks it was because he told her that ”grandma and grandpa” were coming and she was expecting Craig and Jeanne! Although Jeanne is Bauchan (Japanese for grandma). We thought maybe it was because she was surprised that we were real big people, and not little things in the phone! Ha.

Anyway, she is crawling easily, which she was still figuring out at the beginning of July. And she is standing! She can stand holding on to all sorts of things, but while we were here she learned to stand holding on to the coffee table and the couch. Those kind of things are harder because you have to reach up and then pull yourself up. She also reached from the coffee table to the couch and stood holding on to each one! And she just turned 8 months.

She makes lots of different sounds. She can make a clicking sound with her tongue and loves if you make that sound back to her. She does lots of pretend talking, something I remember Sarah doing. The closest she gets to actual words is maybe making a dada sound occasionally. And when Rossi barks, if you go “woof woof” she will try to say “woof woof” too.

She loves Rossi. She thinks Rossi is hilarious. Rossi is still not thrilled with Emi, however. She is barely tolerant of her. If Emi gets too close Rossi growls. We have to watch them both; tell Emi to be gentle and to let Rossi have some space if she growls. And telling Rossi to go away if she doesn’t want Emi too close. I’m sure eventually Rossi will decide Emi is part of the family and love her just like she loves Kelsey and Daniel, but for now we have to watch her. Rossi is not at all like my dogs when it comes to babies!

Emi is eating bombas, the weird peanut butter puffs that Leo used to love. She can eat teething crackers, but you have to watch her, and take the cracker away when it gets small, otherwise she’ll try to cram the whole thing in her mouth and choke! She’s eating a fair amount of baby food too, but still gets most of her nutrition from formula and breast milk.

She’s still a very chill little girl, only crying if she’s hungry or tired. She’s easy to put down for a nap, but they’re usually not very long, 20 minutes to an hour tops. She takes 2-3 naps a day and then sleeps well at night, close to 10 hours.

We watched her most days, with a few breaks here and there. She’s easier than she was even a month ago, but you still have to watch her constantly of course. They’ve put up a baby gate between the kitchen and the playroom, mainly so that Rossi can have some peace and quiet.

I went to Rinconada Pool one morning to swim. This time I thought the water was chilly, although it’s supposed to be 80 degrees. The sun was warm, however. I did a ladder workout this time, laps of 25-50-75-100-125-150-125-100-75-50-25, all with 20 seconds of rest between. You were supposed to try to do them all at the same pace but I’m nowhere near being able to judge my pace very well at all. it was fun, though, and not very difficult. I’m to the point now where the swim distance for the triathlon (750 yards) seems very doable. My biggest problem is swimming in a straight line in open water. I drift to one side a LOT, which means I have to sight a lot, which messes up my pace. I’m going to practice OWS a bunch until the tri, and then I may never do it again!

We didn’t go on any big adventures this time, just hung out with Emi, went for walks, took her to go swing. She likes it but not for very long. I think she might have a tendency toward motion sickness, like her dad. We’ll find that out soon enough!

We’ll be back here again at the end of October, for Halloween, and then again at the beginning of December for Emi’s first birthday! I bet she’ll be walking when we come back next time.

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