Monday January 27
Last night we walked to the brew pub to watch the Chiefs and the Bills play in the AFC championship game. It was fun. There were plenty of other American football fans there. Some of them were there for the previous game where the Steelers annihilated the Challengers. I heard someone at breakfast calling the Challengers the Redskins. I guess old habits die hard.
I got a margarita and we got some wings and settled down to watch at least some of the game. The wings were a lot better than the burger and nachos we had the other day. We watched the 1st half and the start of the third quarter. It was fun talking to fellow fans, some for the Bills, some for the Chiefs. Now that the Chiefs are so dominant everyone loves to hate them, but for me its fun to root for a good (or great) team for a change, kind of like when the Cardinals are good. And Mahones is just fun to watch, as is Andy Reid, stoic and mostly calm on the sidelines. And to see who Taylor Swift is sitting with. Last game she had Caitlin Clark with her; last night it was Travis Kelce’s mom.
When we left the Chiefs were still ahead but not by much. We stayed up until they won. Off we go to the third Super Bowl in a row, pretty cool. And to think 20 years ago when we first moved to Austin I had not a clue about football. Cody got me started and then Lee and Dan got interested as well. At first it was mostly college ball. Really it’s only been in the past few years, since we moved to Minnesota, that I’ve gotten interested in professional football, and even basketball last year when the Timberwolves got hot.
So today is our last day, we leave for the little airport on Caye Caulker at 11:10. This will be a long travel day; I’ll report back tomorrow!
Back Home, Wednesday January 29
We’ve been home for a day now. We’re glad to be home even though it was a nice vacation. We liked the laid back vibe on Caye Caulker and the inexpensiveness too. The dogs are all just fine, even Heather seems happy and much better than when we left. Rita even gave them baths this time, and said Harper was fine and didn’t freak out. We want to know her secret!
The puddle jumper from Caye Caulker to Belize City was fun. iIs only a 10 minute flight, and the view over the water was just gorgeous. We were able to fill out the departure form online before we left and ended up with a lot of time to kill at the airport in Belize City. But the rest of the flights went smoothly. And going through immigration in the US was nothing compared to how it’s been sometimes in the past. We have Global Entry and they now use facial recognition so that took all of a minute. And it seems like customs is now selective about who they check. Anyway we wound our way through immigration in Houston and that was that.
When we got to our gate for our flight to Minneapolis we still had an hour and as luck would have it there was a Texas BBQ place right next to our gate, so we split some sliders and a salad. It was pretty good, the real thing even in an airport!
We both managed to sleep a little on the flight to Minneapolis. It was after 11 pm when we landed, a long day. And oh joy! The ParknFly van was right there waiting for us, and we were dropped off at our car first too.
We were home in bed before 1 pm. Unfortunately we had to get up because our housekeepers were coming. But we went to breakfast in Excelsior and then got the dogs and took them for a walk. Even Heather trotted right along, with a couple breaks in the stroller.
We really liked getting away from the cold for a week. In a month we’re going to California for a couple weeks too. Winter will be over before we know it!
We’re talking about where we might go next year. We thought Portugal but it’s not warm enough. We’d still like to go to Costa Rica someday, so that’s a possibility. Then Lee suggested Palm Springs. Warm, sunny and we could combine it with an Emi visit. Maybe!
The biggest downside of our trip for me are the bug bites I got. Probably sand flies from what I’ve read. I’m putting hydrocortisone cream on the bites but it's not helping very much. They were really bothering me last night. I’ve got a call in to my doc to see if I can get something stronger. Dr. Google says the welts from the bites could last up to two weeks. Ugh! (the nurse said to take an antihistamine, so I went back on Claritin and that definitely helped! All better now.)