We've had a busy summer so far, nothing momentous, just lots of activities, one after another it seems. Writing is a discipline and I have been undisciplined in the extreme. I have let myself give way to the maƱana principle; I will start writing again tomorrow, next week, the week after that, and on and on. The writing doesn't get done, and every day it seems it gets harder to start again.
But here I am, on the boat, of course, which seems to be the only way nowadays that I can experience a bit of enforced idleness. We are doing a couple of short sailing days, yesterday to Marblehead and today to Manchester-by-the-sea. I was marveling to Lee that only a few years ago going to Marblehead seemed like quite an adventure and now it seems like no big deal, just around the corner from our mooring in Salem Harbor.
One thing that makes a huge difference is all the work Lee has done on the boat to make it more comfortable, and to improve the engine. The boat goes a lot faster under power now, and it's quieter too. And I have a push button toilet! No more pumping, thank God.
Life is not all sailboats and sunshine, we've done things too. This is the summer we are exploring New England. No big European vacation is happening this year, instead we are visiting beautiful places right in our own backyard.
So far I've taken Lee to see the Lupines in Sugar Hill, we've gone to Portsmouth for our Anniversary, we've sailed to Boston with Daniel, and Scituate and Boston with Joanne. I've taken a class on native shrubs at Garden in the Woods, run a half marathon in Boston, ridden a limo to the North End and celebrated Paula's birthday. We've entertained visitors and had a party of own. My garden looks wonderful and I'm contemplating what to do with the front edge of our property along the road. And in between all of these events I've continued to run, take care of the dogs, exercise, stretch and roll my aging muscles.
No wonder I seem to have trouble finding time for all my hobbies! Not only have I been neglecting my writing, but my camera doesn't get used as much as I might like, my embroidery gathers dust, my plant knowledge gets rusty. And worst of all, I fret. I get unhappy that all the things on my todo list don't get done in a timely matter, that instead of accomplishing things after dinner is over I sit on the couch and binge-watch Big Bang Theory.
But OH WELL! It's summer in New England! It's hard to get upset about much of anything for very long. The days are warm but seldom hot. The nights are cool enough to require a sweatshirt occasionally. There are cheap lobsters, oysters and clams to eat, I can still get lettuce out of my garden in July, my flowers are simply breathtaking. Overall I’m pretty darn content nowadays. Things my not be perfect but then nothing ever is. I'd much rather have too much to do than be bored. I'm sure I'll catch up on my todo list, someday!