Saturday, June 1, 2013

What's Blooming on Shore Drive - May 31st Edition

We have gone from lows in the high 30's to highs in the mid 90's in less than a week. That's a bit of a shock, both to plants, dogs and people. My plants are doing okay. They have had a lot of moisture in the past few weeks, and they do have a sprinkler system coddling them when it doesn't rain.

Hanging Baskets on the Deck Mean it Must be Summer
But they are looking a bit droopy in the late afternoon, especially in the front where it gets really hot and sunny (we're talking New Hampshire, not Texas, but still).

Not very many new things are blooming this week, but things that started to bloom last week are in full flower and some things, like the clematis, are still really going to town.

Its probably only got about a week to go, but oh my its lovely!

Garden corner featuring from left to right: beets, radishes and peas. Note tomato plants in the foreground. The fence keeps out bunnies, and dogs.

My vegetable garden is in full swing. So far I have a patch of lettuces, edible pod peas, radishes, beets, kohlrabi, swiss chard, eggplant and basil. I just planted cucumber, coriander and snap beans and are anxiously waiting for the seeds to germinate.


Remember this puzzling ground cover from last week? Well I saw it in a garden center a few days ago. Its name is Veronica. I'm so relieved. I don't like not knowing the names of the plants I own anymore...its common name is Spiked Speedwell, hmmm....

When I edited this picture of the Catmint I noticed the spiderweb-like substance attached to it. I wonder what it is, spider mites? I wonder what, if anything, I should do about it?

I love the Allium, prettiest onion I've ever seen!

I have an entire bed of perennial salvia that the previous owners planted. This is a saliva plant that I bought and planted in my front bed. It blooms much earlier than the other salvias. Maybe its a different variety, or maybe it gets more sun, I don't know. They're very close to each other, and they look very much alike. They are even the same color.

Oh my rhododendrons....I'm so happy to have them along the driveway. I hope they thrive and grow into the big, gorgeous, blooming bushes so many of my neighbors have!

And finally, the Wegilia bush is in full bloom now. I love the variegated leaves almost as much as the flowers. And that's a good thing, because these blooms don't last very long!

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