Wednesday, March 26, 2025

California Winter 2025 - Part III Where we Babysit for Emi

Tuesday March 4

We hung out and relaxed in Los Altos yesterday. Lee made dinner - chicken and rice with lemons (from their back yard). I ran 5 miles this morning and now we’re watching Emi. We took her to a nearby playground around 10:30, played for a while, and then she took a nap on the way back and continued to sleep at the house as well, about 45 minutes to an hour. Now she’s eating lunch. She had 3 dumplings and now she’s having one of those pureed vegetable and fruit pouches. She can hold them herself now and just sucks them up!

Wednesday March 5

In the afternoon we watched her some more. Around 2:30 we walked to the Sweet Shop and then down the trail until she fell asleep.

We went out for hot pot last night. It’s fun, but it’s good to have someone with you (like Dan and Kelsey!) that know what they’re doing! We got half spicy and half regular broth.The spicy was very spicy! We got meat, tofu, mushrooms and lots of veggies. When I was getting my dipping sauces a woman asked me what to do! I was like “I don’t know what I'm doing, just pick some things you like”. They had cream puffs too so I had some of those for dessert. It was yummy.

This morning I had a run with 6x800 intervals at HMP. It went well I’m just so much slower than I used to be. I used 1:30/30 run/walk intervals. I’ll just keep training and hope for the best.

Donkeys on my Run

I’m doing laundry today and tonight we’ll watch Emi while Dan and Kelsey go out.

Thursday March 6

So last night was interesting, as the Minnesotans say. Emi was very tired after daycare. She didn’t take a very long afternoon nap and was feeling out of sorts. Lee made a frozen lasagna and a salad. Emi didn’t like it much so we made her some dumplings, gave her a fruit and veggie pouch and some freeze dried fruit. Then we played until around 7:30 and then got ready to take a bath.

First problem, she pooped right before her bath and we didn’t realize it until we started to take her diaper off, so then we had to carry her into the bedroom to clean her up and that upset her. She loves her bath and playing with all the toys, and she doesn’t mind getting washed or anything like that. But when it was time to get out she lost it. She started crying and it just got worse and worse and worse. I had let Rossi outside so I went downstairs to let her back in, but she didn’t come so I had to go out in the back yard to get her back inside. When I came back in Lee was yelling for me to come quick! Emi had thrown up, all over Lee.

I took her gingerly and put her in the tub, sleep sack and all.  I removed the sleep sack and her pjs while Lee got himself cleaned up. I wiped her off with a  washcloth. Strangely enough she wasn’t too bad, most of it got on Lee! But she was still crying and still upset. Once she had on clean pjs we sat down in the chair in her room. I had Lee turn off the light, and we just rocked for a while, until she finally stopped crying. I gingerly offered her a bottle, betting that the vomiting was due to being upset and not the onset of some virus. She took most of the bottle and then Dan and Kelsey came home and took over.

Poor Emi, and poor Lee! He got himself cleaned up but it was pretty disgusting. It reminded me of a time when Sarah was in second grade and we had just moved into our new house on Highpoint in Columbia. She came into our bedroom to tell me she was going to throw up and promptly threw up right in my face! I grabbed her and went running into the bathroom, yelling “not on the new rugs!!!” Lol, poor Sarah. 

In the morning Emi was pretty much back to normal, although she didn’t eat much breakfast. I went for my 6 mile run. When I came back I took my shower, Lee took his and then we took Emi on a walk to the playground. We had fun, but then it started to rain. There was a shelter so we huddled under that while Emi played on a firetruck until it stopped raining. It stopped raining, she yawned, we plopped her in the stroller and she fell asleep almost instantly! She slept all the way back and she’s still asleep, although probably not for long.

Friday March 7th

Yesterday after lunch and more playing, we went to get coffee around 2. We walked around a mile total after that, she fell asleep, and we walked back. She got another good nap. More playing until Dan and Kelsey got off work. I was tired, and after observing her bath again I went to bed.

I actually slept really well last night. It was almost 6 when I got up. I was out running by 7:30. I did my 8 mile run for the week because it didn’t look like there were a lot of good places to run in Stinson Beach. I took a different bike path that went around behind the high school, and I took a different road through Stanford, but still ran about to the clock tower on campus and back. It was time for a quick shower, packing and then off to Stinson Beach.


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